earthing : (v) Walking or standing barefooted on the Earth to absorb Her ions, which promote natural balance, restoration and healing in our bodies

ware : (n) manufactured articles of a specified type


Creating EARTHINGwARE is a service of Love. It begins as an Abundance of Creative energy that manifests when I am feeling really Grounded, then progresses to visualization, then finally manifest through the Divine work of my hands. That is, I transform the grounding energy into a token or a seed that can be shared with another human being through physical contact. That token is a handcrafted, wearable Grounding Charm, a true physical manifestation of Mother Earth’s, Healing, Creative, Balanced potential.

The birth of each piece is unique. Sometimes I get inspirational downloads for jewelry while I am grounding, affirming, meditating, exercising, or at rest between the late hours of night and early hours of Sunrise. I create at home with my feet planted on my grounding stone, sometimes I create while grounding out in nature and I've even crafted jewelry at a party before. I am grateful to serve those who align, so it is most important for me to create each piece with the intention of Healing and Wellness. For this reason, EARTHINGwARE is only created as I embody such affirmations.

After a Grounding piece is created it is reaffirmed for Activation by way of Sunlight and Moonlight, to Raise the Vibration of every Being it touches. Anyone who adorns their aura with EARTHINGwARE has accepted a seed to naturally Ground themselves, Strengthen positive self Affirmations, and Gracefully Align with the Transformative nature of his or her journey. Finally the process and purpose is fulfilled after EARTHINGwARE has helped to raise its owner’s vibration.


Amulets and Talismans become stronger overtime: that is, the more it is worn the stronger its grounding powers become. Innerstanding how sacred jewelry serves its wearer, my affirmation for all my jewelry is that they are eventually passed down to another Beloved and then passed down again and again. This way EARTHINGwARE exists in future timelines beyond both yours and mine, as a grounding keepsake/heirloom that reflects our culture as People of the Sun.