Earthing (also called grounding) is walking barefooted or having skin to Earth contact with the ground in order to absorb natural healing ions. 

Due to the sun and earth’s relationship, the earth’s crust maintains a natural electrical charge that has the potential to ground the human body. This means it brings it back to homeostasis or its natural way of being amongst the elements. When our bodies absorb the electrons it can fire off chemical responses, correcting imbalances that may be present and possibly manifesting itself as an illness or dis-ease. 

Ancient history and modern science has proven that grounding improves health, mood, sleep quality, blood circulation, reduces chronic pain and supports other physiological and autoimmune systems in the body. All of these inner workings will help our bodies vibrate on a higher frequency which is vital to our mental, emotional and physical health. Recent studies have implicated that being out of touch (literally) with nature can have negative effects on our well-being. In fact our barefooted ancestors and shamans overstood earthing as a pure sacred way of life; remaining in harmony with the Mother Spirit of our home.

Here is a list of resources, research studies and scholarly journal articles on earthing :

The Earthing Movie

Earthing: Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body to the Earth's Surface Electrons (from Journal of Environmental and Public Health 1/12/12)

The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases (from Journal of Inflammation Research 3/25/15)

History, Success Stories, More Articles, FAQs 

How Grounding protects us from harmful EMF (start pg 4)

For inspiration, information and testimonials 

For indoor grounding products